Pasture-Raised Pork & Chicken From Our Family To Yours
Diverse and sustainable nourishment for your family, our community, and mother earth.

Pasture-Raised Chicken
“I have never had chicken that tasted that good“. That familiar comment illustrates why we raise our animals on pasture and forest paddocks at Bramble Hollow Farm. Nutrient density, flavor profile and texture are all signs of healthy animals with access to plenty of sunshine and diverse forages to enhance their diet.

Pasture-Raised Pork
Raising pigs on pasture in the mountains of Virginia is a hardy endeavor and requires two main ingredients: patience and a good fence charger. We allow our pigs to roam in forested paddocks, able to root, toot and scoot as they please…and the proof is in the pork chops.

Jack’s Eggs
In 2016, Jack took over the egg operation at Bramble Hollow Farm and had built a strong reputation for the best eggs in the area. Moving his flock regularly to fresh pasture allows Jack’s Eggs to not only provide premium eggs for the table but also helps to build the soils on the farm and improve the local ecology at the same time.

Chicks and Hatching Eggs
Starting in 2017, Bramble Hollow Farm began a breeding program for heritage breed poultry, primarily New Hampshire chickens, striving to create a true dual-purpose breed that makes a nice carcass for the table as well as good egg production. Now NPIP certified, Bramble Hollow Farm is situated well to provide premium genetics to other growers.

Wills Soil & Stream
Like most things in life, there are no real silver bullets. Farming is no different, and Wills Soil & Stream was created out of experience and a passion for health land stewardship. With a focus on natural systems like carbon cycling and biological diversity, we help farmers and growers build healthy and resilient soils and reduce the need for technological interventions and other unnecessary practices.

Connect with the Farm
Part of the reason we truly enjoy what we do is having the opportunity to share our experiences with others. From on-farm workshops to pot-luck dinners, we love to engage with our community and those who contribute to it.

Edible Goose Creek
We are proud to be one of the founding farms in Edible Goose Creek, a locally-owned farm cooperative providing a wide variety of farm products and services to the community.
Find Our Products
True believers in supporting local farmers and businesses, Bramble Hollow sells through variety of markets and retailers in the Roanoke valley region.
Keep up with us
Bramble Hollow Farm was created out of a love for independence and ecologically-friendly food production, but the most important part of farming is the eating! Anna has built a strong reputation for creating mouth-watering recipes while also helping others to understand how to get the most out of their farm-raised products.
Friends and Family

Mark and Lexi
“We love having Bramble Hollow Farm as a neighbor and local source for chicken and compost for our garden.”

Ben & Carly
“We love coming to Bramble Hollow Farm and seeing how the farm changes. You can tell that Brent and Anna have put their heart and soul into their farm and you feel the energy that Bramble Hollow creates.”

William & Amber
“Bramble Hollow Farm is our go-to for camping and mountain time, enjoying good company, roaring campfires, musical jam sessions and the best local food around.”